The Beverley Recycling and Waste Centre was redeveloped in 2018. It complies with Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Work Health and Safety requirements.
The new waste centre has a disposal area and a Sort ‘n Save recycling process. It’s got improved customer service and site safety. You can visit with a car load, trailer load or boot load of waste, recycling and organics.
See the Beverley Waste and Recycling Centre rates and fees.
Minimum charges will apply. These prices include GST and the $143 per tonne EPA Solid Waste Levy. EFTPOS facilities are available.
What we accept:
car batteries
fluorescent tubes
e-waste (TVs and computers)
We also accept:
General waste
This includes the solid component of commercial, industrial, government, public or household waste.
Green Waste
Includes waste from domestic and commercial premises and government/council operations. Segregated, untreated timber can be processed as green waste.
Clean Soil
Soil must be clean free from any contaminants, eg. grass, rock, or any other foreign materials.
Concrete / Rubble / Unclean fill
We accept clean and unclean concrete, rubble, and unclean fill.
Includes unwanted paint and packaging from both trade and DIY painters. Up to 100 litres per vehicle, per visit, secured in containers of 20 litres or less at no charge.
The Beverley Recycling and Waste Centre is a free Paintback collection point for unwanted paint. Paintback diverts paint from landfill. It recycles steel and plastic packaging, with solvent paint used to replace fossil fuels and water in latex paint re-used in industrial processes. See Paintback’s list of eligible products.
What we do not accept:
gas bottles
cement sheeting
vinyl flooring
flammable/hazardous liquids
What options do I have for waste disposal besides using a landfill?
How do I pay for waste disposal at a landfill or rubbish tip, and what payment methods are accepted?
Are there any specific items that I should not bring to a landfill or rubbish tip?
Can I dispose of electronic waste at a landfill or rubbish tip, and if so, how should I do it?
What types of waste are generally accepted at landfills and rubbish tips?
Will I need to provide proof of residency when using a landfill or rubbish tip?
Are there fees involved when dumping waste at a landfill or rubbish tip, and how are they calculated?
What safety precautions should I follow when disposing of waste at a landfill or rubbish tip?
Are there any size or weight restrictions for the waste I bring to a landfill or rubbish tip?
Should I separate my waste before taking it to a landfill or rubbish tip, and why is this important?
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